1. Debug cpp with lldb in VSCode in MacOS

    we want debug the cpp with lldb/gdb in VSCode in MacOS but gdb is not work in macos(M1).(maybe yes, but I don’t found ) so we use lldb.

    2024/11/12 Daiybh macos lldb

  2. Use Gcc on Macos

    Use Gcc on Macos strong suggest install gcc with macport . use HomeBrew maybe miss some headers.

    2024/11/10 Daiybh macos

  3. how to 'proxy_pass' in nginx

    we have a http://aaa.com domain. want http://aaa.com/server1 to want http://aaa.com/server2 to but how to do it?

    2024/11/02 Daiybh nginx proxy_pass

  4. Creating Pre-built Binary Packages

    this page is show “Creating Pre-built Binary Packages “ Objective To package pre-built binaries (such as .lib, .h) into a Conan package and publish it to the Conan Center, so that other projects can use these libraries directly.

    2024/10/19 Daiybh Conan

  5. how to show cuda usage in the taskmgr in windows

    sometime we can not see the cuda usage in the taskmgr

    2024/09/12 Daiybh cuda windows

  6. how to build library with testApp

    this page is show “how to build library with testApp “ testPorject link

    2024/08/29 Daiybh Conan

  7. 在nas的docker中启动mssql

    在nas的docker中启动mssql 如果需要数据持久化 需要注意权限问题 不然 加上 -v 就会启动失败

    2024/08/20 Daiybh docker mssql

  8. 把对象存储(s3) 当成本地磁盘使用

    S3服务是一个对象存储类服务。 把S3存储桶mount到本地文件系统,使得用户可以像操作文件目录一样操作S3的对象。 本节所介绍的S3FS fuse,就是这么一款工具; 针对linux操作系统,帮助用户把S3的桶mount到本地文件系统,使得用户操作存储桶里的数据就如同操作本地文件一样方便

    2024/06/28 daiybh blog