this page is show “how to use conan in cpp “
simply introduce for conan in cpp.
testPorject link
Install Conan-server and start
the official link
if need private packages for team or company can do this .
pip install conan-server
default server configuration is ~/.conan_server/server.conf
give write permissions
line:62 remove the “#”
*/*@*/*: *
change the user name
the default user is demo, so need change it to others
[users] demo:demo
Install client
the official link
you need
- python>=3.6
pip / pip3
pip3 install conan
Set the Profile before everything
this will affect “~/.conan2/profiles/default”
conan profile detect --force
set cppstd=20
open the file change
in windows
in linux
Create “mypkg” package
mkdir mypkg && cd mypkg
conan new cmake_lib -d name=mypkg -d version=1.0
conan create . -s build_type=Debug
conan create . -s build_type=Release
upload “mypkg” package to conan-server
check if already add local conan-server
conan remote list
if no:
//conan remote add “
conan remote add my_local_server http://localhost:9300
conan search "mypkg" -r=my_local_server
will be failed “ERROR: Recipe ‘mypkg’ not found”
conan upload mypkg/1.0 -r=my_local_server
search again
conan search "mypkg" -r=my_local_server
clean local Cache
remove local cache
conan remove "mypkg" --confirm
search package
conan search "mypkg"
Found 1 pkg/version recipes matching mypkg in my_local_server
ERROR: Recipe 'mypkg' not found
use “mypkg” from local “Conan-server”
create app
conan new cmake_exe -d name=testApp -d version=1.0
goto the code folder
install the library
–build_type=Debug for debug and release
–output-folder=build the output folder is “build”
–build=missing if there don’t have the library from conanserver then can build
conan install . --output-folder=build --build=missing -s build_type=Debug
conan install . --output-folder=build --build=missing -s build_type=Release
- if in windows
cmake --preset conan-default
- if in linux
cmake --preset conan-release
cmake --preset conan-debug
compile it for debug and release
cmake --build --preset="conan-release"
cmake --build --preset="conan-debug"