Creating Pre-built Binary Packages

2024/10/19 Conan

this page is show “Creating Pre-built Binary Packages “


To package pre-built binaries (such as .lib, .h) into a Conan package and publish it to the Conan Center, so that other projects can use these libraries directly.


Assume we have a third-party library myhellolib that we want to use in our project.


  1. create a local Library myhellolib
  2. create a pre-build Binary Package Prebuild_binaries
  3. create a Test Application testApp , this app use “Prebuild_binaries”, check if it can work

Detailed Steps

1. create a local Library myhellolib

mkdir myhellolib
cd myhellolib
conan new cmake_lib -d name=myhellolib -d version=1.0
conan build . -s build_type=Debug

at this point , you will have the following files

  • build/libmyhellolib.a
  • include/myhellolib.h

2. create a Pre-built Binary Package Prebuild_binaries

Use the Conan official example “Prebuild_binaries” as a template

Modify the “” file:

name = "myhellolib"
version = "0.3"

self.cpp_info.libs = ["myhellolib"]

Copy the library files and header files

NOTICE my test os is macos armv8, you should change it according to your os

  • copy myhellolib/build/libmyhellolib.a to Prebuild_binaries/vendor_hello_library/macos/armv8/libmyhellolib.a

  • copy myhellolib/include/myhellolib.h to Prebuild_binaries/vendor_hello_library/macos/armv8/include/myhellolib.h

Publish to the Conan Center

cd Prebuild_binaries 

chose a correct command match your os and arch

conan export-pkg . -s os="Linux" -s arch="x86_64"
conan export-pkg . -s os="Linux" -s arch="armv8"
conan export-pkg . -s os="Macos" -s arch="x86_64"
conan export-pkg . -s os="Macos" -s arch="armv8"
conan export-pkg . -s os="Windows" -s arch="x86_64"
conan export-pkg . -s os="Windows" -s arch="armv8"

Verify the publication:

conan list "myhellolib"
conan list "myhellolib/0.3#:*"

3. Create a Test Application testApp

mkdir testApp
cd testApp
conan new cmake_exe -d name=testApp -d version=1.0

add “myhellolib”

  1. Modify the file to add the dependency on myhellolib:

def requirements(self):
  1. Modify the CMakeLists.txt file to link myhellolib:
target_link_libraries(testApp PRIVATE myhellolib::myhellolib)
  1. Modify the src/main.cpp file to include the myhellolib header and call its function:
#include "myhellolib.h"

int main(){ 

Build the test application

conan build . --output-folder=build --build=missing  -s build_type=Debug

Run the test application


your will see the output from myhellolib


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